The Edge Treatment Center

What Is Experiential Therapy?

Just talking about recovery isn’t enough. Recovery must be lived. Learning how to develop friendships, enjoy life, and have positive life experiences without using addictive substances is fundamental to successful recovery.

Experiential activities allow the people we serve to practice coping and life skills by engaging in real-world experiences with trained professionals.

What is Experiential Therapy?

Creative Activities

Rock Climbing


Outdoor Adventures

Harbor Cruises

Theme Parks

Experiential Therapy

How Does EMDR Work?

Addiction robs a person’s ability to truly enjoy life. Experiential activities use real-life experiences to reintroduce joy back into a life ruled by compulsive behavior and trauma.

Experiential therapies also allow people to use the skills developed in addiction therapy. Real-life moments in our community, teamwork, coping skills, avoiding addiction triggers, and realizing self-worth all work towards one thing: creating a "change moment".

Change moments are moments in time that fundamentally change a person’s mindset and path in life. Everything from group sessions to engaging with the community creates positive experiences which build towards these moments of revelation. Something as simple as having a connective moment over a meal or an activity two people enjoy can be the thing that tells a person they don’t need addictive substances to experience and enjoy life.

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We’re Here to Help You Find Your Way

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, there is hope. Our team can guide you on your journey to recovery. Call us today.