Treatment Professional

4 Things You Can’t Miss When Looking For Effective Drug And Alcohol Addiction Treatment


Knowing how to implement effective treatment for your clients will help them maintain sobriety. Call The Edge Treatment Center today to learn more.

A good treatment plan for clients in addiction recovery meets the multiple needs of a person and addresses the contributing factors of addiction. There is not one single form of treatment that will fit everyone. There are a variety of drugs and alcohol that people may use, and they affect each person differently.

One of the most important things to remember when deciding what treatment plans are most effective for your clients is that treatment is not one-size-fits-all. All clients require unique treatment with plans tailored to their needs. 

A few guidelines should be considered when deciding what form of treatment will best fit your clients. As you understand their needs, take into consideration all treatment approaches familiar to you that would be helpful in their situation and that they would feel comfortable with. 

What Is Effective Treatment?

An effective addiction treatment plan is one that aids a client through detox and recovery, helping to heal their mind, body, and spirit. Ideally, the plan prepares your client to prevent a relapse. There is potential for relapse at every stage of recovery, but especially early in the journey. While experiencing a relapse is not to say that a treatment plan has failed, it does suggest that treatment needs to be adjusted. A treatment plan is considered effective if it helps someone who uses substances stop drug or alcohol use, remain sober, and be productive and functioning in their life and community.

#1: Effective Treatment Tends to Multiple Aspects of an Individual

Addiction and mental health disorders are complex illnesses because many things factor into them and result from these issues. There are many layers of mental, emotional, psychosocial, and physical issues to unpack and work through. Treating only the direct use of substances will not get to the root of the causes and effects of the disorder. People with addiction often have co-occurring disorders that influence drug use like mood or personality disorders, anxiety, and PTSD. Even things like gender, age, sexuality, ethnicity, and culture should be taken into consideration to ensure that the treatment program is appropriate for them. The best treatment plan is usually comprehensive and individualized.

#2: Length of Treatment

Having clients in treatment for an adequate amount of time is essential to the recovery of an individual. Studies show that clients generally need at least three months of treatment to achieve sustainable recovery from drug use. The length of stay should be specific to the needs of the client. Because addiction recovery is a life-long process and it will take different people different amounts of time to reach sustainable sobriety, the duration of treatment can always be adjusted throughout that person’s recovery process.

#3: Medical Care

Detoxing is typically the first step in the recovery process. Detox can be one of the most intense phases for a client, and they will need proper medical assistance to help them safely purge the substances from their body. Although the withdrawal phase is not technically a form of treatment, it is a common choice when first starting recovery. Following detox and into the rest of recovery, medical care is just as important. Clients may need prescription medication to deal with co-occurring mental disorders such as anxiety or depression. They may also need medical attention for hormone imbalances caused by substance abuse, damage to internal organs, wound care from needles, and nutritional guidance.

#4: Aftercare Services

While intensive therapy and inpatient treatment handle the process of removing substances from the body, aftercare and continued support is essential for managing long-term sobriety. Relapse is common in recovery from substance use, so clients need support that can prevent this. It is also extremely difficult for a person to go straight from an intense inpatient treatment center back into independent living successfully on their own.

Receiving continued care allows a person to have a professional support system to not only help them navigate life without drugs but also give them a community to support them in sobriety.

How to Implement an Effective Addiction Treatment Plan

Once you have an understanding of what treatment plan you feel will be most effective for your client, it is time to put it into action. Ensure that everyone involved understands what services will be provided during the recovery process. There should be clear communication between you and your client about the plan and allow them input on that plan. 

After you have reached an agreement with your client, everyone should prepare for the process. Appointments should be made, and schedules adjusted to accommodate each part of treatment. As time moves forward, track and analyze their progress to see if any adjustments should be made. Communication should be consistent about if your client is making successful steps towards sobriety and what plans are in place if they are not.

Creating An Effective Addiction Treatment Plan Is Crucial

Creating an effective treatment plan is crucial to helping your clients successfully recover from substance use disorder and maintain sobriety long-term. Although each plan will be unique to each client, you should make sure that you are addressing each phase of recovery.

At The Edge Treatment Center, we believe in addressing the complexities of addiction through personalized therapy options for our patients. Finding the right treatment center for your clients allows them to receive the best form of care as they begin their recovery process. If you are interested in referring a client, call us today to find out more about how we can help.

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If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, there is hope. Our team can guide you on your journey to recovery. Call us today.

Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Treatment Professional

January 13, 2022