Drug and Alcohol

K 56 Pill: Your Guide to This Pink Oxycodone Pill – Effects, Risks & More

What is the K 56 Pill?

The K 56 pill is a form of oxycodone. While it's effective at treating pain, it's also often abused. Learn more about this opioid painkiller.

The K 56 pill is an opioid painkiller primarily prescribed for short-term relief of moderate to severe pain. This pink, round pill has a K imprint on one side and the number 56 on the reverse. It contains 10 milligrams (mg) of oxycodone hydrochloride and typically comes in packs of 30 pills.

Oxycodone has a high potential for abuse, and it is important to be aware of the risks associated with using the K 56 pill. When taken as prescribed, side effects can range from mild drowsiness to more serious issues like slowed breathing and liver damage. Taking higher doses or misusing the drug can lead to an opioid overdose, which requires immediate medical attention.

K 56 Pill: What Is Oxycodone?

Oxycodone is a potent opioid analgesic used to treat severe pain. It belongs to a class of drugs known as opioid analgesics. Oxycodone binds to mu-opioid receptors primarily located in the brain and spinal cord. When it binds to these receptors, it activates them, leading to various effects, including pain relief.

The activation of mu-opioid receptors alters the transmission of pain signals along the nervous system. It reduces the brain's perception of pain, making the person feel less pain or discomfort.

In addition to pain relief, opioids like oxycodone can activate the brain's reward and pleasure pathways, contributing to euphoria and well-being. While oxycodone provides effective pain relief, it also comes with many risks and side effects.

K 56 Pill: Strengths of Oxycodone

Oxycodone is available in various formulations, including immediate-release and extended-release forms.

The following are some general guidelines for oxycodone dosing:

Immediate-Release Oxycodone

For adults with moderate to severe pain, the typical starting dose is around 5 to 15 mg every 4 to 6 hours as needed for pain relief.

The maximum daily dose for most individuals is usually around 60 to 80 mg, but this can vary based on factors like tolerance and individual response.

Extended-Release Oxycodone (OxyContin)

Extended-release formulations, like OxyContin, are designed to provide around-the-clock pain relief. They are typically taken less frequently than immediate-release forms.

The starting dose of extended-release oxycodone can vary. Still, it's often initiated with a lower dose and gradually increased until effective pain control is achieved.

Oxycodone is available in various dosage strengths to accommodate different pain levels and individual patient needs. Dosages should always be determined and adjusted by a qualified healthcare professional. Below are some common dosage strengths of oxycodone:

Strengths of Immediate-Release Oxycodone

  • 5 mg

  • 10 mg

  • 15 mg

  • 20 mg

  • 30 mg

Extended-Release Oxycodone (OxyContin)

  • 10 mg

  • 15 mg

  • 20 mg

  • 30 mg

  • 40 mg

  • 60 mg

  • 80 mg

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What Is the K 56 Pill?

The pink pill with the imprint "K 56" and a strength of 10mg is a commonly recognized and identified form of oxycodone. It is an opioid analgesic used to manage severe pain, better known as pink oxycodone. The "K 56" imprint indicates the pill's unique identifier, and the "10mg" indicates the dosage strength of 10 milligrams of oxycodone.

What Is the K 56 Pill Used For?

The pink oxycodone pill with the imprint "K 56" is a specific formulation of oxycodone hydrochloride used to manage pain. The pharmaceutical manufacturer KVK Tech, Inc. produces pink-colored oxycodone. This medication is available only by prescription and should be used solely under a licensed healthcare practitioner's expert guidance and oversight.

Some examples of situations where this medication might be prescribed include:

Post-Surgical Pain

Depending on the type of surgery performed, oxycodone may be recommended to help with postoperative discomfort.

Injury or Trauma

Oxycodone can alleviate pain caused by injuries, accidents, or traumatic events.

Pain From Medical Conditions

Oxycodone can relieve pain associated with arthritis, fibromyalgia, or neuropathy.

Due to its relatively short duration of effectiveness, pink oxycodone is typically not recommended for individuals dealing with chronic pain or pain associated with prolonged illnesses like cancer. Its primary application addresses acute pain, such as discomfort, following an injury or surgical procedure.

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How Long Does It Take for the K 56 Pill To Work?

The onset of action for the pink oxycodone pill can vary based on several factors, including the individual's metabolism, the presence of food in the stomach, and the specific formulation of the medication.

Generally, immediate-release oxycodone formulations like the one with the "K 56" imprint are designed to provide relatively rapid pain relief. You might often feel the effects of immediate-release oxycodone within about 15 to 30 minutes after taking the medication. The peak effects, where pain relief is most pronounced, typically occur within 30 minutes to 1 hour after ingestion.

The duration of pain relief from a single dose of immediate-release oxycodone is usually around 4 to 6 hours.

What Are the Effects Of the Pink K 56 Pill?

Because the pink pill containing oxycodone is a prescription opioid medication used for pain relief, we must understand both the intended effects and side effects of this medication. 

K 56 Pill Intended Effects (Pain Relief)

  • Pain Management: Oxycodone is primarily prescribed to relieve moderate to severe pain that is not adequately controlled by other pain medications.

  • Analgesia: The medication binds to opioid receptors in the brain and spinal cord, reducing pain perception.

  • Improved Comfort: Oxycodone can help you manage pain, increasing comfort and improving your ability to engage in daily activities.

K 56 Pill Potential Side Effects (Not an Exhaustive List)

  • Sedation and Drowsiness: Oxycodone can cause drowsiness and sedation, impairing your ability to drive or operate machinery.

  • Respiratory Depression: Taking too much oxycodone can lead to slowed or shallow breathing, which can be dangerous and even fatal.

  • Constipation: Opioid medications like oxycodone commonly cause constipation. Adequate fluid intake and dietary changes might be necessary to manage this side effect.

  • Nausea and Vomiting: Some people may experience nausea and vomiting when taking oxycodone.

  • Itching and Rash: Skin reactions, including itching and rash, can be a side effect.

  • Dizziness and Lightheadedness: Oxycodone might cause dizziness or lightheadedness, especially when standing up quickly.

  • Confusion and Euphoria: Some people might experience confusion or a sense of euphoria while taking oxycodone.

It's essential to use oxycodone precisely as your doctor tells you. Talk to your doctor if you feel any unusual effects or are worried about how it's working. Using opioids in the wrong way can be risky, so make sure to use them carefully and with your doctor's guidance.

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K 56 Pill: Interactions With Other Drugs

Oxycodone, including the pink pill, can mix with other drugs or things you take, which might change how well they work or create side effects. Here are some cases of how oxycodone can interact with other drugs:

  • Mixing oxycodone with alcohol, sleep meds, or sedatives can make you sleepy, affect your breathing, and even lead to an overdose.

  • Taking oxycodone with certain medications called MAOIs, or close to when you stop them, can cause high blood pressure, restlessness, and confusion.

  • Use oxycodone along with drugs that affect serotonin. You might get a rare but serious condition called serotonin syndrome.

  • Some drugs that interfere with how oxycodone is broken down can increase their levels, which might lead to an overdose.

  • Certain meds can speed up how oxycodone is processed, making it less effective.

  • Mixing oxycodone with drugs for allergies or stomach issues can worsen side effects.

  • Combining oxycodone with other opioids can slow your breathing and make you tired, possibly leading to an overdose.

  • Medications for stomach problems might change how your body absorbs oxycodone.

K 56 Pill Abuse

According to the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, individuals between the ages of 18 and 25 exhibited the highest likelihood of acknowledging past oxycodone abuse, with a rate of 9.9%, in contrast to a lower rate of 6% among those aged 26 and above.

People abuse oxycodone in various ways to achieve a euphoric or altered state of mind. Let us go through some common ways in which people may abuse oxycodone:

Taking Higher Doses

Some individuals may take larger doses of oxycodone than prescribed to intensify the euphoric effects. This is risky and can lead to overdose.

Crushing and Snorting

Abusers may crush oxycodone pills into a fine powder and snort it. This method can deliver the drug more rapidly into the bloodstream, intensifying the effects and increasing the risks.


Crushing and dissolving oxycodone for injection is another method of abuse. This delivers the drug directly into the bloodstream, producing an intense and rapid high. This method is hazardous due to the risk of infection, damage to veins, and overdose.

Combining with Other Substances

People may combine oxycodone with alcohol or other drugs, such as benzodiazepines, to enhance the effects. However, this increases the risk of dangerous interactions and overdose.


Some individuals chew oxycodone pills to quickly release the medication into the bloodstream. This method can lead to faster onset of effects and a higher risk of overdose.

Obtaining Multiple Prescriptions

Abusers may "doctor shop" or visit multiple healthcare providers to obtain multiple prescriptions for oxycodone.

Stealing or Purchasing Illegally

Some individuals may steal prescription medications or purchase them illegally from others who prescribe the medication.

Faking Symptoms

Individuals may exaggerate or fake symptoms to obtain prescriptions for oxycodone

Abusing oxycodone is not only illegal but also extremely dangerous. The statistics concerning drug overdose fatalities in the United States highlight a significant, particularly concerning death caused by opioid overdoses involving opioids such as oxycodone. 

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Pink Pill K 56 Addiction

Oxycodone carries a significant risk of addiction and dependence, mainly when not used as prescribed or for prolonged periods. Here are some key points to understand about oxycodone and K 56 pill addiction:

Addiction Risk

Opioids like oxycodone can lead to physical as well as psychological dependence. 

Misuse and Overdose

Using oxycodone in higher doses or more frequently than prescribed increases the risk of addiction and overdose. Opioid overdose can be fatal, characterized by symptoms like slow or shallow breathing, extreme drowsiness, and loss of consciousness.


With prolonged use of oxycodone, the body can develop tolerance, meaning that over time, higher doses are needed to achieve the same pain relief or desired effects. Tolerance can contribute to the risk of dependence on drugs like K 56.

Signs of Addiction

Signs of opioid addiction may include craving the drug, losing control over use, spending a lot of time obtaining or using the drug, neglecting responsibilities, and continuing to use the drug despite negative consequences.

Seeking Help

When you are dealing with oxycodone addiction, it's important to seek help from a healthcare provider or addiction specialist. Treatment may involve a combination of behavioral therapy, counseling, support groups, and, in some cases, medication-assisted treatment.


It is essential to use oxycodone exactly as a healthcare provider prescribes. If you need higher doses for pain relief, consult your doctor before changing your medication regimen.

Safe Disposal

It's crucial to properly dispose of any unused oxycodone or other opioid medications to prevent their abuse by others. Drug take-back initiatives and safe disposal rules are in place in many areas.

K 56 Pill Overdose

Overdosing on K 56 oxycodone is serious and should not be taken lightly. As per a report published by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the number of drug overdose fatalities linked to prescription opioids increased from 3,442 in 1999 to 17,029 in 2017.

Oxycodone is a powerful opioid prescribed for pain relief, but consuming an excessive amount can result in severe health problems or even loss of life. Recognizing the indications of an overdose and immediate help can save someone's life. Symptoms of an oxycodone overdose may include:

  • Excessive lethargy or unresponsiveness

  • Weak pulse

  • Constricted pupils

  • Clammy or cold skin

  • Confusion or disorientation

  • Nausea and vomiting

K 56 Pill: What to Do During an Oxycodone Overdose

If you suspect someone is overdosing on oxycodone, take the following steps:

  • Call emergency services (911 or the appropriate emergency number in your country) immediately if you suspect an overdose. 

  • If you have naloxone (Narcan), a medication used to counteract opioid overdoses, follow the provided guidelines for administration. Naloxone can temporarily reverse the impact of an opioid overdose and provide a window of opportunity until professional medical assistance is obtained.

  • Keep the person awake and responsive if possible. Observe their breathing pattern and vital signs. Do not leave the person alone until medical help arrives.

Think the K 56 Pill Is Taking Over Your Life? Oxycodone Addiction Is Treatable at The Edge Treatment Center

At The Edge Treatment Center, our experienced team of addiction specialists can help you break free from an opioid habit and reclaim your life. We provide a holistic approach to treatment that includes counseling, group therapy, and medication-assisted treatments like Suboxone and Vivitrol.

Our goal is to create a personalized program that works for each individual’s needs – no one-size-fits-all approach here. We understand that it can be hard to break the cycle of addiction, but we are here to support you on your journey towards a healthier, happier life.

If you think the K 56 pill is taking control of your life, don’t hesitate to reach out to The Edge Treatment Center today.

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Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Drug and Alcohol

August 25, 2023