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Anxiety Test: Free & Quick Online Assessment With Instant Results
Anxiety is our body's alarm system in the face of potential danger. However, when this alarm sounds too loudly or too often, it can overwhelm and stand in the way of our quality of life. If you find that anxiety is holding you back, you're not alone. Reach out to us today.

Anxiety Test Online
Experiencing anxiety is natural, but understanding its impact on well-being is crucial. Take our Anxiety Test to recognize your feelings, understand stress triggers, and find coping strategies. Gain insights into your emotional health and work towards a calmer, more centered you.
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Quick Anxiety Test: Understand Anxiety Disorder!
Many individuals link anxiety with negative emotions or underlying issues, but this is a misconception. Anxiety can actually be a healthy response, showing alertness in the system. While normal anxiety is a typical reaction to stress, anxiety disorder is a distinct mental health condition. With an anxiety disorder, feelings of anxiety and fear are severe and uncontrollable, impacting work and relationships.
Wondering if you have an anxiety disorder? Learn more about the differences and take our free online anxiety test.
The Edge Treatment Center
What Is Anxiety Disorder?
Did you know that nearly one-half of people diagnosed with depression also have anxiety disorder? Anxiety disorder is among the most common mental health conditions. It is characterized by excessive feelings of fear, nervousness, anxiety, or worry. Many times, this fear is irrational and is not warranted. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) states anxiety disorder is the most prevalent mental illness in the United States of America. Since it has many types, nearly 31.1 percent of adults in our country suffer from one or the other type of anxiety disorder.
As mentioned before, anxiety is not uncommon to experience when anticipating a stressful situation. It becomes a problem when anxiety overwhelms all other aspects of your life. When triggered by a situation, object, or action, anxiety disorder-diagnosed people have an intense emotional response. They immediately perceive that trigger as a threat and exhibit a fight-or-flight response. Their muscles also tense up, and they display a behavior of avoidance. This is why many people with this condition try to avoid the triggers. They stop going to school or work where the trigger might be present. Their personal and professional life takes a hit.
Anxiety disorders are defined by persistent, excessive, and unwarranted fear or anxiety that interferes with daily life and prevents the individual from reaching their full potential. Anxiety disorders range from GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) to SAD (social anxiety disorder). Let's learn more about them below.

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Types of Anxiety Disorders
The anxiety and feeling of worry experienced by an individual in such a condition do not wear off. They will persist and, when not managed properly, can become worse. An individual with anxiety disorder can be diagnosed by its various types. They all are unique and have different sets of symptoms. A few of them are mentioned below.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder:
GAD is a type of anxiety disorder where an individual feels extreme anxiety for more than 6 months. It can be triggered by various things, such as health concerns, job performance, family issues, and even social interactions.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:
OCD is also a type of anxiety disorder where an individual has obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior. They have an irrational fear about certain things, which leads to ritualized behavior. For instance, some people believe that if they do check their stove, their house will be burned down. Such behavior causes an interruption in their daily life.
Panic Disorder:
In PD, an individual experiences panic attacks. It can get triggered by fear, even when it’s irrational. They are often trapped in the feeling of fear and panic. They feel like another episode will be triggered if they don’t move to a safe space.
Social Anxiety Disorder:
SAD is a bit more specific than GAD. The anxiety and scare experienced here are triggered mainly by fear of embarrassment in a public setting. They feel like others will judge them negatively, leading to public humiliation. SAD people have a fear of public transport, enclosed spaces, massive spaces, crowded areas, and leaving home alone.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder:
PTSD is a serious condition that is characterized by nightmares, flashbacks, frightened responses, irritation, difficulty in falling asleep, and more. PTSD is brought on by witnessing or being exposed to a traumatic event. Reasons can include sexual abuse, physical assault, natural disasters, childhood abuse, accidents, war, death of a loved one, or terrorist attack.
Specific Phobias:
Phobia is a fear of an object, situation, or place. Some common examples include phobia of airplanes, clowns, blood, spiders, enclosed spaces, heights, and more.

Take the Free Anxiety Test Online
Anxiety disorder is a recognized medical condition that requires a certified mental health professional for an official diagnosis in a clinical setting. Before undergoing an anxiety medical test, it’s beneficial to gain an overview of your situation.
Take our online anxiety test as a quiz to assess your symptoms and health condition, but remember, it’s not a replacement for a professional diagnosis. The following questions help determine if treatment is necessary.
What Causes Anxiety Disorder?
Experts and the medical community have not arrived at a single cause behind the development of anxiety disorders. They do agree that traumatic life events increase the risk for the development of anxiety disorders. Besides this, there are various reasons leading to anxiety disorders.
Certain medical conditions are linked with anxiety disorders. This includes diabetes, chronic pain, substance use disorder, heart disease, thyroid, and asthma.
Another reason for anxiety disorder can be a side effect of a few medications.
Children who have endured or have been exposed to trauma are likely to develop this condition.
Certain personality types are prone to anxiety disorders. For instance, the perfectionism trait increases the risk of OCD.
Stress due to severe health conditions is also a factor.
Direct family relatives with anxiety disorder can pass down their condition.
Lastly, substance use disorder (SUD) or withdrawal can cause anxiety.

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What Are Some Anxiety Disorder Symptoms?
One may falsely assume that besides anxiety and fear, there are no such significant symptoms of anxiety disorder. This is a misconception, as there are several physical and psychological symptoms of having been diagnosed with anxiety disorder. As there are several types, all of them have unique symptoms. Some of them are mentioned below.
GAD symptoms may include muscle tension, difficulty in speaking, inability to control emotions, difficulty in concentration, sleep-related problems, and mental and physical exhaustion.
SAD symptoms include rapid breathing, exhaustion, shaking, increased heart rate, sweating, digestive problems and sleep-related issues.
Panic disorder symptoms include sudden, intense fear episodes with heart palpitations, sweating, dizziness, and a persistent dread of future attacks, causing significant lifestyle and behavioral changes.
OCD symptoms are fear of contamination, constant blinking, frequent hand washing, constant worry about hurting others, aligning things, paranoia and suspicion, fear of touching communal things, and believing certain numbers and colors are good or bad.
PTSD symptoms may include vivid flashbacks, nightmares, social withdrawal, guilt, irritability, and aggressive and reckless behavior.
Phobia symptoms are irrational fear, avoiding triggering situations, sweating, increased heartbeat, and shortness of breath.
There are some general physical symptoms, such as dizziness, insomnia, fatigue, muscle tension, gastrointestinal problems, headache, and frequent urination.The common psychological symptoms of anxiety disorder may include restlessness, tension, fright, obsessive thoughts, uneasiness, and irritability. Anxiety disorders also cause various health complications. These cover mental and physical complications like depression, drug addiction, social isolation, headache, muscle pain, bowel problems, poor quality of life, and even suicide.

How to Treat Anxiety Disorder?
Anxiety disorder is one of the most common mental illnesses. Many people suffer from it, and you are not alone in this battle. With proper treatment and comprehensive medical recovery programs, you will get your old self back. Anxiety disorder treatment involves a combination of prescription medications and behavioral therapies. Have an in-depth look at both of them below.
Recovery from anxiety disorder consists of pharmacological treatment. The mental healthcare provider offers various types of medications to manage anxiety symptoms. The prescription is determined by the health conditions and the intensity of the symptoms. Antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds are often prescribed. Suppose these medications do not have many effects. In that case, doctors may give beta blockers or sedatives like benzodiazepines for short-term relief. These medications are highly addictive, so they cannot be given for long-term treatment. In case of any side effects or allergies, call your doctor immediately.

Medications alone are not effective enough. This is why they are combined with behavioral counseling. Psychotherapy or talk therapy is sessions with certified therapists. Therapy aims toward reducing anxiety symptoms and opening up about the patient’s struggles. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective form of talk therapy where the maladaptive thoughts and behaviors are replaced by healthy ones. Patients learn healthy coping mechanisms and skills to deal with anxiety symptoms. CBT with exposure therapy is a more direct approach. It lets the patient confront the triggers so as to build confidence.
The trained therapist often recommends relaxation therapy for anxiety disorder individuals. It focuses on the stressed muscles caused by anxiety-related episodes. Patients learn how to relax the tension in their muscles and calm themselves when faced with the triggers. They practice relaxation techniques for almost 3 to 4 months. It is a one-hour-long session per week and has proven to be very helpful. The combination of all these treatments will effectively help in recovery from anxiety disorder.
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Consider The Edge Treatment Center
Several studies show that a significant number of people with anxiety disorder have substance or alcohol addiction issues. The symptoms of anxiety are not very different from the side effects of alcoholism. This is why it becomes difficult to identify the signs of addiction. Anxiety disorder is often associated with financial struggles, relationship issues, legal problems, and even health conditions. This is why people start using drugs or alcohol. Substance addiction worsens the symptoms of aunty disorder, leading to severe and even irreversible health problems. If you or someone you care about are struggling with anxiety and addiction, it is best to seek medical help. There are specialized drug rehabs that cater to patients with dual diagnoses.
The Edge Treatment Center is among the well-established rehabs in Orange County, California. We are a fully accredited institution whose aim is to aid people in need of recovery and help. Our approach is patient-centric, leading to specifically tailored treatment for all patients. Since we are a certified recovery center, we make sure that treatment services are of a holistic nature. Some of the services provided by us include individualized treatment programs, medical detox, behavioral therapies, and aftercare programs. Recovery is a lifetime process with several ups and downs. The best thing is we are here for you on the journey. Contact us today and join The Edge Treatment Center today!
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