Mental Health

Understanding Communal Narcissism: Traits, Examples, and Coping Strategies


Communal narcissists tend to seek validation for not only oneself, but the groups they belong to as well. With treatment, these individuals can learn to form healthier relationships.

Communal narcissism is a form of narcissism where individuals seek validation and admiration not only for themselves, but also for the groups they belong to. These individuals often exhibit a strong sense of entitlement, a need for constant attention, and a desire to be seen as superior within their community.

These traits can make communal narcissists particularly challenging to deal with in relationships, as their self-serving motivations can lead to manipulative behaviors and emotional exhaustion for those around them. However, treatment can help manage these traits, leading to healthier relationships and improved overall well-being.

What Is Communal Narcissism?

Communal narcissism refers to a form of narcissism where individuals seek validation and admiration not just for themselves, but also for the groups they belong to. This type of narcissism involves a strong sense of entitlement, a need for constant attention, and a desire to be seen as superior within the community. People with communal narcissism often prioritize the image and reputation of their group above all else, using it as a means to boost their own self-esteem and sense of importance.

In essence, communal narcissists use their affiliation with certain groups or communities as a way to enhance their own self-worth and status. They may engage in behaviors that promote the group's success or image, but ultimately, their motivations are self-serving. This can lead to a dynamic where communal narcissists manipulate others within the group to maintain their position of power and influence, all while seeking validation and admiration for themselves and the group they associate with.

Communal Narcissism Traits

Communal narcissists exhibit narcissistic traits that set them apart from genuinely altruistic individuals. They often display an excessive need for admiration and narcissistic supply. These individuals prioritize their own desires and self-interests over the needs of others.

Unlike truly altruistic people, communal narcissists engage in acts of kindness to boost their own ego rather than out of genuine concern for others.

Manipulative Behaviors

Communal narcissists manipulate perceptions to gain admiration and validation from those around them. They often present themselves as selfless and caring individuals, portraying a facade of narcissistic behavior.

By strategically engaging in acts of generosity or kindness, they create an image of themselves as benevolent and compassionate. However, behind this facade lies a deep-seated need for narcissistic supply and validation.

Emotional Toll on Others

Interacting with communal narcissists can take a significant emotional toll on individuals. Those who engage with these individuals may find themselves feeling manipulated or used due to the narcissistic style of communal narcissists.

The constant need for admiration and validation can lead to a sense of emotional exhaustion in those who interact with them regularly. Moreover, the realization that the kindness displayed by communal narcissists is often driven by narcissistic desires rather than genuine concern can be emotionally distressing.

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Examples of Communal Narcissism

Public Persona

Communal narcissists meticulously craft a grandiose public image, portraying themselves as selfless and caring individuals. They often engage in constant praise and admiration from others, parading their supposed altruism.

Their public persona is a carefully constructed facade designed to garner adulation and maintain a positive image in the eyes of society. However, behind closed doors, the reality can be starkly different.

Private Behavior

Contrary to their outward appearance, communal narcissists exhibit a pattern of charm and cruelty in their relationships. They may alternate between showering their victims with compliments and then subjecting them to emotional manipulation and abuse.

This cycle of behavior leaves victims confused and emotionally drained, struggling to reconcile the stark contrast between the communal narcissist's public persona and their private actions.

Psychological Effects

The long-term effects of communal narcissistic abuse can be profound and damaging to the victim's mental well-being. Victims often experience psychological distress, including anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem as a result of the manipulation and gaslighting tactics employed by communal narcissists.

The constant need for validation and approval from the communal narcissist can also lead to dependency issues in relationships, further exacerbating the psychological toll on the victim.

Communal Narcissism Vs. Other Types

The primary differences between communal narcissism and other types of narcissism lie in their motivations and behaviors. Communal narcissists are motivated by a desire to be seen as helpful and altruistic, whereas other narcissists seek admiration, power, or control. Communal narcissists also engage in prosocial behaviors for self-serving reasons, while other narcissists may display more overtly self-centered or harmful behaviors.

Understanding these distinctions can help in recognizing and addressing different narcissistic behaviors, and knowing how to deal with them:

Communal Narcissism Vs. Grandiose Narcissism

Communal narcissists see themselves as exceptionally altruistic and derive their self-esteem from their perceived ability to help others. In contrast, grandiose narcissists have an inflated sense of self-importance and a constant need for admiration. While communal narcissists seek validation through acts of kindness and community involvement, grandiose narcissists seek admiration and attention from others, often displaying arrogance and a lack of empathy.

Communal Narcissism Vs. Vulnerable Narcissism

Vulnerable narcissists have a fragile self-esteem and are hypersensitive to criticism, often oscillating between feelings of grandiosity and insecurity. Communal narcissists, on the other hand, maintain a consistent self-view of being morally superior and exceptionally caring. While vulnerable narcissists crave reassurance and validation from others, communal narcissists seek validation through their good deeds and community involvement.

Communal Narcissism Vs. Malignant Narcissism

Malignant narcissists combine traits of narcissism with antisocial behavior, aggression, and a lack of remorse. They are often manipulative and exploitative, seeking power and control over others. In contrast, communal narcissists derive satisfaction from being seen as helpful and altruistic. While malignant narcissists use deceit and intimidation to achieve their goals, communal narcissists engage in prosocial behaviors for self-serving reasons, seeking validation through their perceived altruism.

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Communal Narcissists and Relationships

Communal narcissists can be particularly challenging in relationships due to their constant need for admiration and validation from others. In a romantic relationship, a communal narcissist may appear caring and selfless on the surface, but their actions are often driven by a desire to gain recognition and praise from their partner and others.

One of the key issues that often arises in relationships with communal narcissists is their tendency to prioritize their own needs and desires over those of their partner. They may expect their partner to constantly cater to their needs and provide them with attention and validation, while offering little in return.

Additionally, communal narcissists may struggle with empathy and have difficulty understanding or validating their partner's emotions and experiences. They may dismiss their partner's feelings or concerns, focusing instead on their own needs and desires.

In order to maintain a healthy relationship with a communal narcissist, it is important to set boundaries and communicate openly about your own needs and feelings. It may also be helpful to seek support from a therapist or counselor to navigate the challenges of being in a relationship with a communal narcissist. Ultimately, it is essential to prioritize your own well-being and not sacrifice your own needs for the sake of the communal narcissist's ego.

How to Deal with a Communal Narcissist

Navigating a relationship with a communal narcissist can be challenging, as their self-centered behavior can be disguised behind acts of generosity. It's essential to recognize the signs, set boundaries, seek support, and prioritize self-care to maintain your well-being in such dynamics. Here are some tips for dealing with a communal narcissist:

Recognizing Signs

Identifying a communal narcissist can be challenging as they often mask their self-centeredness behind altruistic acts. Observing their behavior over time can reveal patterns of seeking validation through acts of generosity.

Setting Boundaries

Establishing clear boundaries is crucial when dealing with a communal narcissist. Clearly communicate your limits and expectations to prevent them from taking advantage of your willingness to help.

Seeking Support

Don't hesitate to seek support from friends, family, or a therapist when navigating a relationship with a communal narcissist. Talking to others can provide perspective and guidance on managing the dynamics effectively.

Taking Care of Yourself

Prioritize self-care when dealing with a communal narcissist. Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, ensuring you maintain a strong sense of self amidst their manipulative tendencies.

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Treatment for Communal Narcissism

Treatment for communal narcissism involves a combination of therapy and self-reflection. Cognitive-behavioral therapy can help individuals identify and challenge their narcissistic tendencies, while also developing healthier ways of relating to others. Group therapy or support groups can provide a space for individuals to gain insight into their behavior and receive feedback from others.

Additionally, practicing empathy, humility, and gratitude can help individuals with communal narcissism shift their focus from seeking validation to building genuine connections with others. It’s essential for those struggling with communal narcissism to seek professional help, and commit to personal growth in order to cultivate more fulfilling relationships and a healthier sense of self.

Closing Thoughts

Communal narcissism involves individuals who seek validation through their affiliation with groups, often prioritizing their own self-interests over genuine altruism. This behavior can have significant emotional impacts on those around them, leading to feelings of manipulation and distress.

Recognizing the traits and behaviors associated with communal narcissism is crucial for addressing and managing these dynamics in relationships. If you or a loved one exhibit traits of communal narcissism, remember that help is available to manage these traits for better relationships and overall quality of life.

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Closing Thoughts

The Edge Treatment Center specializes in treating narcissistic personality disorder, offering a team of mental health professionals and a range of proven therapies to guide individuals toward mental well-being. Call us today to learn how we can help you or your loved one manage narcissistic traits and improve your quality of life.

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Written by

monty-montgomeryMonty Montgomery

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Mental Health

August 21, 2024


Frequently Asked Questions

Communal narcissism is a form of narcissism where individuals seek validation and admiration through their affiliation with groups or communities. They often prioritize the image and reputation of their group to boost their own self-esteem and sense of importance.

Communal narcissists often display a strong need for admiration, engage in self-serving acts of kindness, and manipulate others to maintain their position of power within a group. They may appear altruistic but are primarily motivated by their own desire for validation.

Relationships with communal narcissists can be emotionally exhausting due to their constant need for admiration and validation. Their manipulative behaviors and lack of genuine concern for others can lead to feelings of being used and emotional distress for those involved.

Yes, communal narcissism can be managed with appropriate treatment. Therapy can help individuals recognize and address their narcissistic traits, leading to healthier relationships and improved overall well-being.

A mental health professional such as a trusted therapist can help with managing traits of communal narcissism. The Edge Treatment Center also specializes in treating narcissistic personality disorder, offering a team of mental health professionals and a range of proven therapies. Contact us today to learn how we can help you or your loved one manage communal narcissistic traits and improve your quality of life.