Addiction Recovery - Drug and Alcohol

Vyvanse Withdrawal Symptoms, Timelines, & Treatment


Explore the symptoms, timelines, and treatment options for Vyvanse withdrawal, as well as the risks and support available for recovery.

If you’re facing Vyvanse withdrawal, we understand your struggle – but it doesn’t have to last, and you’re not alone. This stimulant and “study drug,” while helpful for many individuals with ADHD, can quickly lead to dependence, which then causes withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, sweating, extreme lethargy, and more. Thankfully, Vyvanse dependence can be managed and diminished with the right treatment and support, which we’ll go over below. 

Whether you take Vyvanse as a prescription or use it recreationally, knowing the risks for withdrawal and options for treatment is crucial. Learn more, and call The Edge Treatment Center if you need professional recovery support.

What Is Vyvanse?

Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine dimesylate) is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant that can be misused, leading to addiction and dependency. While it can create feelings of exhilaration, alertness, and euphoria, its misuse is associated with negative outcomes, such as decreased academic performance and higher substance use. 

Despite myths about enhancing cognitive performance or aiding in weight loss, using Vyvanse improperly can result in serious cardiovascular issues and other health problems.

What Is Vyvanse Withdrawal?

Vyvanse withdrawal occurs when someone who has become dependent on the medication stops taking it. Symptoms can range from fatigue, depression, and irritability to intense cravings, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating. These symptoms arise because the body has adjusted to the presence of the stimulant, and sudden cessation disrupts the brain's chemical balance. 

The withdrawal process can be challenging, both physically and emotionally, underscoring the importance of medical supervision and support during this time. Understanding these symptoms is crucial for effectively managing and overcoming Vyvanse dependency.

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How Long Does Vyvanse Stay in Your System?

How long Vyvanse stays in your system varies based on several factors, including metabolism, dosage, and frequency of use. On average, Vyvanse has a half-life of about 12 hours, meaning it takes this long for the body to eliminate half of the dose. However, its active ingredient, dextroamphetamine, can be detected in various parts of the body for different periods. By knowing these timelines, you and your healthcare provider can better plan for and manage the withdrawal process:

  • Blood: Up to 24 hours

  • Urine: 2-3 days

  • Saliva: 1-2 days

  • Hair: Up to 90 days

The Vyvanse Crash

The Vyvanse "crash" is a typical group of effects after the medicine wears off. Vyvanse is often used in the early hours of the day; thus, for most individuals, it burns off by midday, leading to sensations of weariness, anger, and a need for more. 

Vyvanse Withdrawal Symptoms

Vyvanse withdrawal happens when a person who has become dependent on the medicine reduces or discontinues its use. In general, the duration and quantity of Vyvanse utilized correspond with symptom intensity and duration. By contacting a healthcare provider who prescribes a tapering dose schedule, withdrawal symptoms can be reduced or avoided entirely.

Physiological Symptoms

  • Severe headaches

  • High hunger and appetite

  • Profuse sweating

  • Extreme lethargy

  • Quivering or shaking

Emotional & Behavioral Symptoms

  • Nervousness or anxiety

  • Irritation

  • Drug cravings

  • Clinical depression

  • Unable to focus

  • Sleep disturbances or unusual dreams

  • Lack of interest and enjoyment

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Vyvanse Withdrawal Timeline

The withdrawal period for Vyvanse is determined mainly by the frequency of drug use and the quantity consumed by the user. Withdrawal mainly comprises two elements: acute and post-acute

Acute withdrawal effects for Vyvanse typically diminish within seven days. As for post-acute withdrawal, while it’s comparable to acute withdrawal, their strength and duration vary. The severity of post-acute withdrawal signs decreases as time passes, but it might take several weeks or a few months for signs to completely resolve. 

Factors Affecting The Intensity of Vyvanse Withdrawal

The most influential factors that affect the severity of Vyvanse withdrawal are the quantity of drug misuse and the period for which the drug was consumed. Usually, a person who has consumed an excessive quantity for a longer duration might suffer from acute withdrawal effects. However, the severity of symptoms is controlled by other variables involving:

  • Metabolic rate or digestive rate

  • Personal history of the individual

  • Whether the patient workout or not

  • Occurrence of polysubstance misuse

Furthermore, how someone discontinues Vyvanse can have a significant impact. Someone who discontinued abruptly will experience far more bothersome side effects than an individual who reduces the dose steadily.

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What Are The Side Effects of Vyvanse?

Vyvanse can have many adverse side effects, even when used to treat ADHD and binge eating disorders. The following are the most common adverse events associated with Vyvanse use for ADHD (in adults, children, and adolescents) and binge eating disorder (in adults):

  • Reduced appetite and low body weight

  • Anxiety

  • Sleeplessness

  • Drowsiness

  • Agitation

  • Dry mouth

  • Anorexia

  • Nausea

  • Indigestion

  • Elevated heartbeat

  • Dizziness

Furthermore, Vyvanse poses substantial heart risks, including escalated heart rate and blood pressure, along with more catastrophic reactions like stroke, heart attack, and sudden death in patients with heart problems.

Adverse psychiatric responses are also possible. For example, Vyvanse can trigger psychotic or manic symptoms in people who have never had these issues before, and can increase symptoms in persons with psychosis.

Vyvanse's warning label additionally states that the following adverse effects are possible:

  • Children's growth inhibition

  • Circulation issues such as peripheral vasculopathy and Raynaud's syndrome

  • Serotonin syndrome, a potentially fatal medication reaction induced by an excess of serotonin

Detoxification From Vyvanse

The initial stage of sobriety from Vyvanse addiction and misuse starts with detoxification. The detox process marks the elimination of Vyvanse from the user's body. Detoxing from the drug and withdrawing from the drug almost occur together; however, withdrawal lasts even after finishing the detox procedure. For most individuals, the best method for detoxifying from Vyvanse is to enroll in a rehabilitation center that can assess symptom intensity, determine the optimum tapering strategy, and, if necessary, prescribe drugs to alleviate the severity of the symptoms. 

Tapering or weaning off from Vyvanse is a constructive method to reduce the pain from detoxification and withdrawal. Rather than suddenly quitting the substance, this gives your brain a buffer to function without the drug. Discontinuing drug consumption cold turkey can be taxing mentally and physically and is certainly not advised in most scenarios.  

Vyvanse Detoxification at Home

Many who decide to detoxify at home experience difficulties that might be challenging to overcome, leading to a relapse into drug usage. The severe weariness and anxiety that are frequently linked with Vyvanse withdrawal can also leave individuals feeling restless and disengaged, which can have a significant influence on their personal and professional lives. However, detoxifying at home may be effective, especially if a medical expert is first consulted. A consultation from your healthcare provider can help to select the best home detox plan and issue a prescription for a tapering dose.

Vyvanse Detox at a Drug Rehab Center

There are various advantages to detoxing at a rehab center. Inpatient and outpatient rehab facilities are designed to assist people in dealing with the mental and physical components of detox and withdrawal-related symptoms, and they can offer medical assistance and, if necessary, prescription medicines. Furthermore, persons in detoxing centers have 24-hour access to specialists who can answer inquiries and address issues as they occur. 

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Selecting The Right Detox Center

A few different factors should be considered when searching for the ideal detox facility, including the location, specialization, and more. Keep these points in mind when selecting a detox center:

  • The main factor is the place of treatment, and some individuals feel that detoxification facilities located further away from home enable them to effectively avoid stressors and prevent readmission. 

  • A detox might be expensive. However, many insurance companies will help cover the costs.

  • Look for institutions that have treated Vyvanse use disorders and offer details regarding their effectiveness and testimonials from previous patients.

  • Accreditation through authorities and organizations like the California State Department of Health Care Services.

  • Multidisciplinary treatments can decide whether the co-occurring mental health condition is the reason behind drug addiction. 

Get the Support You Need to Manage Vyvanse Withdrawal

Understanding Vyvanse withdrawal is a crucial step toward recovery, and now, you’re all caught up. If you’re currently facing Vyvanse withdrawal, your next step is to seek support – either through your healthcare provider, or with a trusted addiction center. 

At The Edge Treatment Center, we regularly connect struggling individuals with reputable detox facilities to start the recovery process. You’ll be cared for and supported, with medical supervision to ensure safe detoxification. Contact us today if you’re ready to take the first step, so that you can break free from Vyvanse withdrawal for good.

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Written by


The Edge Treatment Center

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Addiction Recovery

Drug and Alcohol

July 24, 2024


Frequently Asked Questions

Common symptoms of Vyvanse withdrawal include extreme fatigue, depression, irritability, poor concentration, increased appetite, and cravings for Vyvanse. These symptoms result from the body adjusting to the absence of the stimulant and typically emerge within a day or two after the last dose​​​​.

Vyvanse withdrawal symptoms can begin within 24-36 hours of the last dose and may last several days to weeks. While physical symptoms often subside within a week, psychological symptoms such as depression and cravings may persist longer, especially in chronic users​​​​.

Vyvanse withdrawal is rarely medically dangerous, but it can be challenging. Symptoms like severe depression can increase the risk of suicidal thoughts, requiring close monitoring. It's recommended to seek medical advice before stopping Vyvanse to manage withdrawal symptoms safely​​​​.

While some individuals may safely withdraw from Vyvanse at home, it is generally advised to do so under medical supervision, especially for those with a history of high doses or prolonged use. A gradual tapering of the dose can help manage withdrawal symptoms more effectively​​​​.

Managing Vyvanse withdrawal symptoms involves gradually tapering the dose under medical supervision, maintaining a healthy diet, staying hydrated, and avoiding other stimulants like caffeine. Support from healthcare professionals and loved ones can also be crucial during this period​​​​.