Drug and Alcohol - Mental Health

Wellbutrin for Anxiety: Myths, Research, and Off-Label Uses


Many people take Wellbutrin for anxiety off-label, despite myths that it worsens symptoms. Find out how and why this medication may alleviate symptoms of anxiety.

Despite common misconceptions, Wellbutrin (bupropion) does not inherently cause anxiety. In fact, research has shown that it can alleviate anxiety symptoms in some individuals. This is because bupropion, which is primarily used to treat depression and aid in smoking cessation, has a unique mechanism of action that may also benefit those experiencing anxiety.

What Is Wellbutrin?

Wellbutrin, also known by its generic name bupropion, is a medication commonly prescribed to treat depression and seasonal affective disorder. It’s also used off-label to help individuals quit smoking by reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

Wellbutrin Vs. Sertraline

When comparing Wellbutrin with sertraline, another antidepressant commonly known by its brand name Zoloft, research has shown promising results in improving anxiety scores. While both medications are effective in managing depression, Wellbutrin's unique mechanism of action provides an added advantage for individuals experiencing anxiety symptoms. The distinct pathways targeted by each medication offer diverse options for healthcare providers to tailor treatment plans based on individual needs and responses.

How Does Wellbutrin Work?

Wellbutrin works by affecting the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain, specifically dopamine and norepinephrine. By increasing the levels of these neurotransmitters, Wellbutrin helps to improve mood, energy levels, and overall well-being in individuals suffering from depression. It’s also been effective in helping with smoking cessation by reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

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What Is Wellbutrin Used For?

Wellbutrin is commonly prescribed to treat depression. However, it’s also used off-label to support smoking cessation and help manage anxiety symptoms. While Wellbutrin isn’t specifically approved by the FDA for the treatment of anxiety disorders, some healthcare providers may prescribe it as an alternative option for individuals who don’t respond well to traditional anxiety medications.

Is Wellbutrin Prescribed for Anxiety?

Wellbutrin is not typically prescribed for anxiety, as it’s primarily used to treat depression and help with smoking cessation. While some individuals may experience a reduction in anxiety symptoms as a result of taking Wellbutrin, it ‘s not the primary purpose of the medication. It’s always important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate treatment for anxiety.

Can Wellbutrin Cause Anxiety?

While some individuals may experience increased anxiety as a side effect of Wellbutrin, this is not the case for everyone. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider if you’re concerned about experiencing anxiety while taking Wellbutrin. They can provide guidance on managing any potential side effects, and may recommend pairing Wellbutrin with another medication or therapy to help alleviate anxiety symptoms. Overall, the impact of Wellbutrin on anxiety can vary from person to person, so it's crucial to communicate openly with your healthcare provider throughout the treatment process.

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What to Pair With Wellbutrin for Anxiety

Wellbutrin (bupropion) is often combined with other medications or therapies to complement anxiety treatment. Here are some options that are commonly paired with Wellbutrin to help alleviate anxiety symptoms:

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)

SSRIs, such as fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft), and escitalopram (Lexapro), are frequently prescribed alongside Wellbutrin. These medications increase serotonin levels, which can help reduce anxiety.

Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs)

SNRIs like venlafaxine (Effexor) and duloxetine (Cymbalta) are another option. They work by increasing both serotonin and norepinephrine levels, which can help manage anxiety symptoms.


For acute anxiety episodes, benzodiazepines such as lorazepam (Ativan) or clonazepam (Klonopin) may be prescribed. These medications provide quick relief, but are typically used short-term due to their potential for dependence and addiction.


Buspirone is a non-benzodiazepine medication that can be effective for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). It is often used in combination with Wellbutrin to help manage anxiety without the risk of dependence associated with benzodiazepines.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

In addition to medication, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a highly effective treatment for anxiety. CBT helps individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to anxiety.

Lifestyle Changes

Incorporating lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, a healthy diet, and mindfulness practices can also support anxiety management when used alongside Wellbutrin.

By combining Wellbutrin with these treatments, individuals can create a comprehensive plan to effectively manage their anxiety. Always consult with a healthcare provider to determine the best combination for your specific needs.

Substances to Avoid While on Wellbutrin

Being aware of certain substances that can interact negatively with Wellbutrin, and consulting with your healthcare provider before stopping or starting any new medications while taking it, is a top priority. These interactions can reduce the effectiveness of Wellbutrin or increase the risk of side effects. Here are some key substances to avoid:


Consuming alcohol while on Wellbutrin can increase the risk of seizures and other side effects. It’s best to limit or avoid alcohol altogether.

Blood Thinners

Avoid combining blood thinners with Wellbutrin, as this can increase the risk of bleeding complications. Blood thinners work by slowing down the body's process of making clots. When taken with Wellbutrin, there’s a higher chance of experiencing excessive bleeding from even minor injuries. Although no reports or empirical data have confirmed this, some case studies have raised cause for concern.

Seizure Medications

Certain seizure medications should be avoided when using Wellbutrin due to the risk of lowering the seizure threshold. Combining these medications with Wellbutrin can increase the likelihood of experiencing seizures.

Other Medications

Other medications, including MAO inhibitors and other antidepressants, can interact adversely with Wellbutrin. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting any new medication.


High levels of caffeine can exacerbate side effects such as anxiety and insomnia. Try to limit your intake of caffeinated beverages while taking Wellbutrin.

Illicit Drugs

Using illicit drugs while on Wellbutrin can lead to dangerous interactions and increase the risk of severe side effects, including seizures.

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How Long Does It Take for Wellbutrin to Work?

Wellbutrin (bupropion) typically takes around 4 to 6 weeks to start working effectively, but some individuals may start to notice improvements in their symptoms sooner, within the first 1 to 2 weeks of starting the medication.

It’s important to continue taking Wellbutrin as prescribed by a healthcare provider, even if improvements aren’t immediately noticeable, as it can take time for the medication to reach its full effectiveness. If there are concerns about the effectiveness of Wellbutrin, it is best to consult with your healthcare provider for guidance and possible adjustments to your treatment plan.

How Long Does Wellbutrin Stay in Your System?

Wellbutrin has an elimination half-life of approximately 21 hours. This means that it takes about 4-5 days for the drug to be completely cleared from your system.

Factors Affecting Duration

  • Metabolism: Individuals with faster metabolism may clear Wellbutrin from their system quicker.

  • Dosage: Higher doses may take longer to be eliminated from the body.

  • Liver Function: Liver health plays a crucial role in processing and eliminating Wellbutrin.

  • Age: Younger individuals may metabolize the drug faster than older adults.

Detection in Drug Tests

Wellbutrin can be detected in various drug tests, including urine, blood, and hair follicle tests. In urine, it can be detected for up to 10 days after the last dose. However, detection times can vary based on individual factors.

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Wellbutrin Side Effects and Risks

While Wellbutrin can be effective in treating depression and other conditions, it’s important to be aware of the potential side effects and risks associated with its use. Here are some of the most common and serious side effects to help you make an informed decision:

Common Side Effects

  • Dry Mouth: Many users report experiencing a dry mouth while taking Wellbutrin.

  • Insomnia: Difficulty sleeping is another frequently reported side effect.

  • Headache: Some individuals may experience headaches.

  • Nausea: Feeling nauseous is a common complaint among Wellbutrin users.

  • Weight Loss: Some people may notice a decrease in their weight.

Serious Side Effects

  • Seizures: There is a risk of seizures, especially at higher doses.

  • High Blood Pressure: Wellbutrin can lead to an increase in blood pressure.

  • Mental Health Changes: Severe mood changes, including agitation and hallucinations, can occur.

  • Suicidal Thoughts: There is an increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors, particularly in young adults.

Long-Term Risks

  • Dependence: There is a potential for developing a dependence on the medication.

  • Liver Damage: Prolonged use can affect liver function.

  • Cardiovascular Issues: Long-term use may increase the risk of cardiovascular problems.

Managing Side Effects

One of the most common concerns associated with psychiatric medications is the potential for weight gain. While some individuals may experience weight changes while taking Wellbutrin, it is less likely compared to other antidepressants.

In addition to monitoring any changes in weight, incorporating healthy habits such as regular exercise and meditation can complement the benefits of Wellbutrin. These lifestyle factors can contribute to overall well-being and help mitigate any potential side effects.

If you experience any side effects while taking Wellbutrin, it is important to consult your healthcare provider. They can help manage these effects and adjust your treatment plan if necessary. Always follow your doctor’s advice and report any unusual symptoms promptly.

Is Wellbutrin Addictive?

Wellbutrin is not considered addictive, as it does not produce the same effects as drugs that are typically associated with addiction. It works differently in the brain, and doesn’t cause the same cravings or degree of withdrawal. However, dependence on Wellbutrin can still occur especially if it’s abruptly stopped after long-term use, which can drive certain withdrawal symptoms.

To treat dependence on Wellbutrin, it’s important to gradually taper off the medication under the guidance of a healthcare professional to minimize withdrawal symptoms, and ensure a smooth transition to other treatment options if needed.

Closing Thoughts on Wellbutrin for Anxiety

Wellbutrin is a versatile medication that can help manage depression, support smoking cessation, and alleviate anxiety symptoms when used appropriately. While it is not typically prescribed solely for anxiety, its unique properties make it a valuable option for many individuals. It’s important to remember that prescription drug addiction is a serious condition, and if you or a loved one has formed a dependence, you’re not alone. Help is available to support your recovery journey.

The Edge Treatment Center specializes in prescription drug addiction and offers a safe, welcoming space in Santa Ana, CA. Our compassionate team and range of therapies are designed to guide your recovery. If you or a loved one requires professional support, call us today.

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Written by

monty-montgomeryMonty Montgomery

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Drug and Alcohol

Mental Health

August 18, 2024


Frequently Asked Questions

Wellbutrin can be effective in treating anxiety for some individuals, as it works by affecting certain chemicals in the brain that play a role in mood and stress. However, its primary use is for depression, so its effectiveness for anxiety may vary.

Common side effects of Wellbutrin include dry mouth, headache, nausea, insomnia, and weight loss. It's important to discuss potential side effects with a healthcare provider before starting Wellbutrin for anxiety treatment.

While Wellbutrin is not typically prescribed specifically for anxiety disorders, some individuals may experience increased anxiety as a side effect of the medication. It's essential to monitor any changes in anxiety levels and consult a healthcare provider if concerns arises.

Combining Wellbutrin with other medications for anxiety should only be done under the supervision of a healthcare provider. Certain drug interactions can occur, potentially leading to adverse effects. Always consult a doctor before adding or changing medications.

The time it takes to feel the effects of Wellbutrin for anxiety can vary among individuals. Some may notice improvements in symptoms within a few weeks, while for others, it may take several weeks to experience the full benefits. Patience and consistent use are key.