Drug and Alcohol

Remeron: Everything About This Effective Antidepressant, Including Side Effects

What is Remeron?

Remeron is a popular antidepressant useful in treating depression. However, it can be a risky drug to abuse. Learn more in our blog.

Depression: it's not just a bad mood.

Depression is a treatable disease with both mental and physical symptoms. One of the most effective ways to treat depression is through medications. Antidepressants can help people manage their symptoms and live normal lives as they treat their depression. One of the most popularly prescribed antidepressants is Remeron.

Remeron, also known by its generic name Mirtazapine, is an effective antidepressant that has been widely used to treat major depressive disorder (MDD). It belongs to a class of medications called tetracyclic antidepressants, which work by increasing the levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain.

Although Remeron isn't considered to be addictive the way opioids, alcohol, and other drugs are, it's still often abused because of its mood-boosting effects.

What Is Remeron?

Remeron is also known by its generic name, mirtazapine. It is a medicine that belongs to the antidepressant class of medications. It is often used to treat a condition called major depressive disorder. This is a type of depression that seriously affects a person's mood, thoughts, and daily functioning.

How Does Remeron Work?

Remeron works by influencing certain brain chemicals, specifically serotonin and norepinephrine. These chemicals are also known as neurotransmitters. They play a vital role in mood and emotion regulation. When someone is depressed, these chemicals may be out of balance, which results in emotions of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in activities.

This helps to restore the balance of these brain chemicals. It raises both chemical levels in the brain, boosting mood and relieving depression symptoms. Remeron works primarily as a mood enhancer, making people feel better and more like themselves.

Remeron is not a "happy pill" that immediately fixes all issues or artificially makes a person happy. The drug takes time to work, and its effects differ from person to person. Before expecting serious results, stick to the suggested Remeron dosage and give the medicine time to take effect.

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What Is Remeron Used For?

Remeron can be used to treat various mental health diseases. It could be such as anxiety disorders & PTSD, in addition to depression. This versatile drug includes sedative characteristics, which means it can be helpful in the treatment of insomnia.

Here are some common Remeron uses:

Major Depressive Disorder

The Food and Drug Administration has authorized Remeron medication to treat MDD. MDD is a mental health illness marked by chronic sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest or pleasure in activities, including changes in eating and sleep habits, difficulties focusing, and a lack of energy. Remeron improves mood and helps in depression symptoms by influencing brain chemicals.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

While not officially authorized by the FDA for GAD, Remeron may be given off-label to help control GAD symptoms. GAD is a disorder marked by excessive and uncontrolled worry and anxiety about numerous elements of life. The sedative qualities of Remeron can be helpful for those with GAD who also have sleep problems or are restless.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Like GAD, Remeron may be prescribed off-label for SAD. In social situations, SAD causes significant anxiety & discomfort. Remeron's sedative properties can help lessen anxiety symptoms in social situations.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Off-label usage of Remeron may be used to treat PTSD symptoms such as intrusive memories, avoidance of triggering circumstances, hypervigilance, and mood abnormalities. Remeron can help people with PTSD manage their symptoms by increasing their mood and decreasing their anxiety.


Remeron's soothing properties make it an appealing choice for people suffering from depression or anxiety who also have sleep problems. However, Remeron is generally not a first-line treatment for primary insomnia, indicating it is typically used when insomnia is related to another underlying condition, such as depression or anxiety.

What Are Some Other Uses for Remeron?

Besides the primary uses mentioned before, Remeron can have additional off-label uses and applications:

Appetite Stimulation

Remeron is known to improve appetite and encourage weight gain. This can be good for those with unexpected weight loss, malnutrition, or a loss of appetite due to medical conditions, including cancer, HIV/AIDS, or eating disorders.

Nausea and Vomiting

Remeron's anti-nausea properties make it an effective choice for treating chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in cancer patients. It may be administered alongside other antiemetic drugs to reduce these uncomfortable side effects.

Sleep Disorders

While Remeron is not generally used as a first-line treatment for primary insomnia, its sedative characteristics can help with sleep problems, especially when insomnia is accompanied by depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Remeron may be administered off-label in some situations to relieve symptoms of OCD, a mental health illness marked by intrusive thoughts and repeated activities. It can be combined with traditional OCD drugs as an augmentation method to improve treatment results.


Remeron may be explored in treating fibromyalgia, a chronic pain disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal discomfort, exhaustion, and sleep difficulties, despite inadequate data. Its calming effects and possibly analgesic characteristics can help in the improvement of sleep quality and the relief of pain symptoms.

Chronic Pain Control

Remeron's sedative & analgesic properties have led to its off-label use in treating chronic pain disorders such as neuropathic pain & complex regional pain syndrome. However, it is often recommended for pain management when other therapies have been unsuccessful or when depression or sleep difficulties accompany the pain condition.

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Is Remeron a Controlled Substance?

In the United States, Remeron (mirtazapine) is not classed as a restricted drug. Controlled substances are medicines or narcotics with significant abuse and dependency potential. In the United States, the Drug Enforcement Administration regulates its distribution & use.

Remeron belongs to the class of medications known as tetracyclic antidepressants. It is used to treat major depression and other conditions. However, it does not have the same abuse potential as controlled substances like opioids, benzodiazepines, or stimulants.

Even though Remeron is not a prohibited substance, one must take the medication according to the recommended dosage by the doctor. It shouldn't be taken in higher quantities or more frequently than suggested since this may raise the risk of side effects while providing no additional benefits.

What Are Remeron's Side Effects?

Some people can experience adverse effects with Remeron. These side effects will not affect everyone, and their extent and duration may vary from person to person.

The following are some common side effects of Remeron:

Drowsiness and Sedation

Drowsiness is one of the most common Remeron side effects. Some people may feel abnormally drowsy, exhausted, or drained of energy. This sedating effect is stronger at lower doses of Remeron.

Increased Appetite and Weight Gain

Remeron can increase food consumption and boost hunger, which can contribute to weight gain. This side effect can be significant for some people, so keep track of weight fluctuations and eat a balanced diet.

Dry Mouth

Remeron may cause dryness or cottonmouth. Drink lots of water and maintain proper dental hygiene to reduce this discomfort.


Some people may become constipated when using Remeron. This adverse effect can be mitigated by increasing fiber consumption, staying hydrated, and engaging in frequent physical exercise.


Remeron can produce dizziness or lightheadedness, especially when shifting postures fast (such as suddenly getting up). It is best to carefully rise from a sitting or sleeping posture to reduce the danger of dizziness.

Blurred Vision

Remeron may cause temporary visual problems such as blurred vision in certain people. 

Nausea and Upset Stomach

When starting Remeron, many people may experience nausea or an upset stomach. These effects can be lessened by taking the medicine with meals.


While Remeron can cause sleepiness, some people can also experience fatigue or exhaustion throughout the day. This sensation of drowsiness can interfere with everyday tasks and may necessitate changes in daily routines or medication management.

Increased Heart Rate

Remeron can cause an elevated heart rate or palpitations in rare circumstances. Contact your doctor if you have a fast or irregular pulse since this may necessitate additional testing.

Unusual Dreams or Nightmares

While using Remeron, some people can experience vivid, odd dreams or nightmares. These dream disruptions can vary in severity and might interfere with sleep quality. If this side effect is unpleasant, discussing it with your healthcare professional can help you decide on suitable management measures.

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How Long Does Remeron Stay in Your System?

The duration that Remeron stays in the body can vary from individual to individual. Several factors can impact how long the medicine is detectable in the system. Here are some essential aspects of the removal of Remeron.

Half-Life of Remeron

Remeron has a half-life of around 20 to 40 hours. The half-life of a medication is the time it takes for its concentration in the body to decline by half. As a result, Remeron elimination from the body might take several days.

Metabolism and Excretion

Hepatic metabolism is the mechanism by which Remeron is primarily processed in the liver. The metabolites are then excreted through the kidneys as urine. The precise pace of metabolism and excretion depends on an individual's metabolism and general health.

Individual Factors

Several individual factors can alter Remeron's longevity in the system. Age, liver function, kidney function, metabolic rate, and the presence of any underlying medical disorders are among them. Additionally, the dosage and duration of Remeron use also affect how long it stays in the body.

Detection in Drug Tests

Remeron is not commonly found in conventional drug testing. It is not a restricted substance and is unlikely to be detected in conventional drug testing. Drug testing usually concentrates on compounds with a high potential for misuse.

Remeron Withdrawal Symptoms

When stopping or reducing the dosage of Remeron after prolonged use, some individuals may experience withdrawal symptoms. Here are some commonly reported Remeron withdrawal symptoms:

  • Rebound depression: A return of the symptoms of depression, often in a slightly more intense state

  • Anxiety

  • Insomnia

  • Irritability

  • Flu-like Symptoms

  • Dizziness

  • Sensory discomfort (e.g., tingling, "brain zaps")

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

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Remeron And Alcohol

Mixing Remeron with alcohol is strongly discouraged owing to the potential for harmful effects and interactions. When combined, Remeron and alcohol can cause drowsiness and impairment. This causes extreme sleepiness, dizziness, and a loss of awareness. This level of sedation increases the likelihood of accidents and falls. 

Furthermore, alcohol use can affect Remeron's effectiveness in treating depression and alter the medication's delicate balance of brain chemicals. Prioritize your health and follow your doctor's advice by avoiding alcohol consumption while taking Remeron.

Seeking Depression Help? Reach Out to The Edge Treatment Center

Depression can be very isolating If you feel like Remeron isn't helping your depression or perhaps its use is taking over your life, there's hope. The Edge Treatment Center is here to help. Our professional staff are experts in treating depression and will work with you to find the best treatment plan for your specific needs.

Recognizing the importance of maintaining connections, we are device-friendly, enabling clients to stay connected with their support networks. The Edge Treatment Center strongly encourages family visits and counseling sessions to support healing. With a team of licensed clinicians, personalized care is provided using evidence-based therapy. 

Client safety is a top priority, and 24/7 access to medical staff is available. The comprehensive approach of The Edge Treatment Center includes addressing co-occurring mental health disorders. Our ultimate dedication is to support individuals on their journey to long-term recovery and help them achieve a fulfilling life free from addiction.

If you’d like to learn more about Remeron and depression treatments like transcranial magnetic stimulation, reach out to The Edge Treatment Center today.

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Written by

brian-mooreBrian Moore

Content Writer

Reviewed by

jeremy-arztJeremy Arzt

Chief Clinical Officer

Drug and Alcohol

November 16, 2023